Sackmaker stock both filled and unfilled sandbags for immediate delivery across the UK. Multiple applications include flood defence, road signs, movie sets, ballasting etc.
A range of off the shelf sizes alongside bespoke manufacturing capabilities for specialist applications.
Flood Defence Sandbags
- Black or yellow with closing ties
- Heavy duty 120gsm fabric
- UV Inhibitor
- Proven lifespan of over 2 years
- Plain or printed
- Empty or filled
Expedited delivery service for flooding emergencies
Speak to our sandbag specialists to find out more
Road Sign Sandbags
- White fabric with closing tie
- 70gsm fabric
- UV Inhibitor
- Various lifting & tipping options
- Plain or printed
Used and approved by multiple road work agencies across the UK
Speak to our sandbag specialists to find out more
Pre Filled Sandbags
- Black, yellow or hessian heavy duty sandbags
- Filled with approx. 14kg granite sand
- Securely tied
- Packed on pallets in 35 or 70pcs
- Off the shelf availability
Highest quality washed granite sand, proven to be the most effective for flood defence
Speak to our sandbag specialists to find out more
Hessian Sandbags
- Off the shelf availability
- High quality hessian/jute fabric
- Bio-degradable & recyclable
- Authentic hand ties
Effective flood defence or movie props, as supplied for #1 Box Office movie ‘1917’.
Speak to our sandbag specialists to find out more
Bulk Sandbag Protection
- Off the shelf Bulk Bag’s available
- As supplied for flood wall or river dam’s
- Helibag® for helicopter deployment
- Supplied empty or pre filled (granite sand)
Fast & temporary solution for bulk flood protection or damming.
Speak to our sandbag specialists to find out more